Please scroll down for up to date information regarding Covid vaccines.

Last updated 2nd March 2023.

We aim to keep this site up to date with the most important and relevant health information and advice regarding Covid-19.

Maintain hand hygiene at all times.

Masks are mandatory for anyone to enter our clinic.

We know Covid-19 is very transmissible through air. Along with social distancing and good ventilation, masks will help to reduce the risk of you and others catching the virus. The most protective masks are P2, N95, K94 masks. The next most effective are 3 ply surgical masks. The least effective are cloth masks. Any mask is better than none.

The risks of transmission between contacts is considered low if the duration of contact is <15 minutes with both individuals wearing appropriate masks. This is why we prefer to limit our face to face appointments to short appointments only to reduce the risk of transmission to both staff and patients. Please discuss your appointment needs with our friendly reception staff so that we can best accommodate your needs. All our doctors can offer Telehealth and phone appointments to existing patients.

Stay home and isolate if you are unwell.

Here is the latest government advice on isolating.


If you are unwell…

If you are concerned that you might have contracted or been exposed to coronavirus please DO NOT attend our general practice in person.

If you have a fever, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, shortness of breath or other viral symptoms OR have had close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with coronavirus, please consider taking a Covid test (rapid antigen test or PCR) and/or request a phone consult with your doctor for advice and to avoid coming into the practice (fees may apply). Most of our doctors have book on the day appointments.

The following is a link to Covid testing clinics in WA.

It is important to minimise virus exposure and spread in order to protect our staff and patients so that our practice can continue to remain open and support the community.

There a number of state run GP led respiratory clinics in WA available to see symptomatic patients if you are unable to see your regular doctor. They require an appointment.


Covid testing and isolation guidelines

Please follow CURRENT STATE TESTING AND ISOLATION GUIDELINES if you are a close contact or symptomatic.

Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) testing in WA. Please note that it is mandatory to register a positive test result.

How to do a RAT test at home


I have been diagnosed with Covid…what next?

Register your positive result. Call 13COVID. This is still recommended though not mandatory.

Call your GP. If you have a regular GP practice, it is a good idea to let them that you have Covid and have a phone or video consult with them as soon as possible if you think you may be eligible for antiviral medications.

Here is the link the Health Direct’s information on What to do if I have Covid 19.

Here is the link to Home care Guidelines for People with Covid 19 from RACGP



Covid Vaccines (pfizer bivalent booster) are available again at our surgery on some days and can be coadministered with seasonal flu vaccines or > 1 week apart.

The new seasonal bivalent boosters can be given 6 months after a Covid infection or your last booster.

New guidelines came out from ATAGI on 8th February 2023.

We currently have Pfizer bivalent BA.1 boosters in stock for 18+ years and Pfizer bivalent BA.4-5 boosters for 12+ years.

Seasonal flu vaccines due end March/early April.

Last updated 17th March 2023.

CLICK on the image above to keep up to date with the latest news on Covid-19 vaccination on the Australian Government Department of Health website.

CLICK on the image above to keep up to date with the latest news on Covid-19 vaccination on the Australian Government Department of Health website.


All our staff are Fully vaccinated